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Kamery cyfrowe do TEM

TRS Systems

Wide-angle Dual Speed 1K CCD-Camera
do EM 10 - EM 902 z systemem Peltier
Kamera w systemie frame transfer
Wyprowadzenie sygnału światłowodam


Operating voltage (kV) - Up to 120kV
CCD active area - 14,3 mm x 14,3 mm
CCD size - 1024 x 1024 pixels; 14 µm each 1024x2028 Frame Transfer
Scintillator - YAG
CCD coupling - fiber (1:1)
Binning - 1,2
CCD readout - Full or Binning
Exposure max. - 10000ms
Readout speed - 1-8 MHz dual speed (10 fps binning 2x2 )
Mounting position - Inside mount
Peltier cooling - -5°C
Resolution - MTF @1/2 Nyquist (edge method) 15% (100kV) for YAG
Readout noise - < 4 rms
Digitization - 14-bit ADC
Computer platform - Windows XP™
Computer-camera interface - USB2
Power requirement - 90Wat 240 ±10% VAC at 50/60HZ

Wide-angle Dual Speed 2K- CCD-Camera Compact
do EM 10-902
Kamera w systemie Full Frame
Wyprowadzenie sygnału światłowodami


Operating voltage (kV) - Up to 120kV
CCD active area - 28,6 mm x 28,6 mm
CCD size - 2048 x 2048 pixels; 14 µm each
Scintillator - YAG
CCD coupling - fiber (1:1)
Binning - 1,2,4,
CCD readout - Full or Binning
Readout speed - 1-8 Meg dual speed (6 fps binning 2x2 )
Exposure max. - 10000ms
Mounting position - Wide-angle
Peltier cooling - -5°C
Resolution - MTF @1/2 Nyquist (edge method) 15% (120kV)
Readout noise - < 4 rms
Digitization - 14-bit ADC
Computer platform - Windows XP™ VISTA
Computer-Camera interface - SB2
Power requirement - 90W at 240 ±10% VAC at 50/60HZ

Wide-angle Dual Speed CCD-Camera
for EM 906 - EM 912 with Peltier and water cooling


Operating voltage (kV) - Up to 120kV
CCD active area - 28,6 mm x 28,6 mm
CCD size - 2048 x 2048 pixels; 14 µm each
Scintillator - High-resolution YAG
CCD coupling - fiber (1:1)
Binning -1,2,4,8
CCD readout - Full or Binning
Readout speed - 1-8 Meg dual speed (6 fps binning 2x2 )
Exposure max. - 30000ms
Mounting position - Inside mount
Peltier cooling -5°C
Resolution - MTF @1/2 Nyquist (edge method) 15% (120kV)
Readout noise -<3 rms
Digitization -14-bit ADC
Computer platform - Windows XP™
Interface - USB2
Power requirement- - 90W at 240 ±10% VAC at 50/60HZ

Dual Speed 2K-On-axis CCD-Camera

Kamera w systemie Full Frame
Wyprowadzenie sygnału światłowodami


Operating voltage (kV) Up to 200kV
CCD active area 28,6 mm x 28,6 mm
CCD size 2048 x 2048 pixels; 14 µm each
Scintillator High-resolution YAG
CCD coupling fiber (1:1)
Binning 1,2,4,8
CCD readout Full, binning or sub-area (clipping)
Readout speed 1-8 MHz dual speed (6 fps @ binning 4x4)
Exposure max. 100s
Mounting position On-axis (bottom mont)
Flange Rotatable (360°)
Peltier cooling -10°C
Resolution - MTF @1/2 Nyquist (edge method) 18% (120kV)
Readout noise <3 rms
Digitization: 14 bit ADC (16 bit on request)
Computer platform: Windows XP™
Computer-Camera interface: USB2
Power requirement: 90W at 240 ±10% VAC at 50/60HZ

4Mpx.Dual Speed CCD-Camera for Jeol EM
Kamera w systemie Full Frame
Wyprowadzenie sygnału światłowodami


Operating voltage ( kV) Up to 120kV
CCD active area 17,5 mm x 23,0 mm
CCD size 1750 x 2300 pixels; 10 um each 3500x2300 Frame Transfer
Scintillator High-resolution phosphor
CCD coupling fiber (1:1)
Binning 1,2
CCD readout Full or Binning
Exposure max. 10000ms
Readout speed 1-10 Meg dual speed (6 fps binning 2x2 )
Mounting position On-axis
Peltier cooling -8°C
Resolution MTF @1/2 Nyquist (edge method) 11% (100kV) for high-resolution phosphor (P)
Readout noise < 3 rms
Digitization 14-bit ADC
Computer platform Windows XP™
Computer interface USB2
Power requirement 90Wat 240 ±10% VAC at 50/60HZ

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